For this week’s Teaser Tuesday, I bring you a small portion from the introduction to the sequel. Enjoy!

Ever since mankind has inhabited this planet, a great number of seemingly impossible events have taken place. The odds against these events were so mind-bogglingly high that the universe’s top historians wrote the planet off before it had a chance to make any history to begin with. Earth took no notice of this, however, and puttered on, unaware that it had caused the complete upheaval and replacement of those top historians. The universe’s current top historians have since called this “the greatest blunder in the history of historians,” and have since wrote many books on the subject, including The Little Planet That Could, See Earth Spin, and the all-time classic Where the Wild Earthlings Are.

Still, the same historians—and most of the rest of the inhabitants of the universe—were caught completely off-guard when humanity managed to pull out of their Third World War without completely obliterating themselves. They were caught even more off-guard when the humans managed to unite under one world government. They watched with keen interest as mankind rebuilt their civilization at a record setting pace. It all seemed, once again, impossible; but if there was one thing that the planet Earth and its inhabitants seemed to do right, it was the impossible.